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In a previous post, we (EarthDaily Analytics / Descartes Labs) demonstrated the use of the "Quicklook analysis" tool in "Iris" for quickly generating InSAR time-series over small AOIs of interest. Here, we present few examples of quicklook results to demonstrate the power of this tool to generate quick insights in 15-30 minutes.

A reminder that the usual caveats apply to the interpretation of these results.

Subsidence in Pekalongan (Indonesia)¤

2021 Bandar-e-Genaveh Earthquake (Iran)¤

This dataset demonstrates the ability of our unwrapping algorithms to capture large abrupt phase jumps caused by earthquakes. We show the unfiltered differential time-series between two points to highlight this.

More information on this earthquake event can be found here.

Xiaolangdi reservoir earth dam (China)¤

Subsidence of airport infrastructure (Hong Kong)¤

Subsidence of airport infrastructure (Singapore)¤