In a previous post, we (EarthDaily Analytics / Descartes Labs) demonstrated the use of the "Quicklook analysis" tool in "Iris" for quickly generating InSAR time-series over small AOIs of interest. Here, we present few examples of quicklook results to demonstrate the power of this tool to generate quick insights in 15-30 minutes.
A reminder that the usual caveats apply to the interpretation of these results.
We do not include many examples over Europe as the wonderful EGMS service allows anyone to look up historical deformation over their AOIs. However, our quicklook tool is still useful in the context of quickly analyzing latest data as EGMS results are updated once every two years.
Subsidence north east of Konya (Turkey)¤
This subsidence has implications for the high speed railway infrastructure around Konya.
2021 Arkalochori Earthquake, Crete (Greece)¤
This dataset demonstrates the ability of our unwrapping algorithms to capture large abrupt phase jumps caused by earthquakes. We show the unfiltered differential time-series between two points to highlight this.
More information on this earthquake event can be found here.
Campi Flegrei caldera, Napoli (Italy)¤
More information on the ongoing activity at Campi Flegrei can be found here.