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Ground water

In a previous post, we (EarthDaily Analytics / Descartes Labs) demonstrated the use of the "Quicklook analysis" tool in "Iris" for quickly generating InSAR time-series over small AOIs of interest. Here, we present few examples of quicklook results to demonstrate the power of this tool to generate quick insights in 15-30 minutes.

A reminder that the usual caveats apply to the interpretation of these results.

Subsidence in Wilcox, Az is associated with ground water pumping for agricultural activities. More information can be found here.

The modulation of the subsidence signal by the annual ground water recharge is clear in the time series. Note that this is a wider area of interest and spans multiple years, and hence took longer than 30 minutes to complete.

Subsidence near Grapit, CA (USA)¤

Subsidence in this area and nearby Orland is believed to be associated with ground water pumping for agricultural activities.

Seasonal ground water pumping in Central California (USA)¤

Ground water pumping in the summer, most likely for agricultural activities is clearly visible in this AOI.

Buried Faults in Ciudad Guzman (Mexico)¤

The subsidence signal here is partly driven by interaction between ground water pumping and buried faults in the region.

Subsidence in Belem (Brazil)¤

Urban subsidence in Lucknow (India)¤

Subsidence north east of Konya (Turkey)¤

This subsidence has implications for the high speed railway infrastructure around Konya.

Subsidence in Pekalongan (Indonesia)¤