In a previous post, we (EarthDaily Analytics / Descartes Labs) demonstrated the use of the "Quicklook analysis" tool in "Iris" for quickly generating InSAR time-series over small AOIs of interest. Here, we present few examples of quicklook results to demonstrate the power of this tool to generate quick insights in 15-30 minutes.
A reminder that the usual caveats apply to the interpretation of these results.
Underground Mine (Peru)¤
Quicklook analysis shows greater than 20 cm /yr subsidence rate over this mining area. In general, our full resolution analyses show greater spatial coverage than quicklook analyses over such rapidly deforming areas.
Jharia coal field, Jharkand (India)¤
Underground fires that have been burning for over a century are believed to be the major cause for subsidence in Jharia, Jharkand. More information can be found here.
Coal mine in Telengana (India)¤
Underground mining near Appin, NSW (Australia)¤
The subsidence bowl corresponding to the shown time-series directly impacts import infrastructure like highways and railway lines. More information on subsidence in the Sydney Basin can be found here.
Coal mine near Dalby, QLD (Australia)¤
This is the same mining area that we demonstrated the use of Sentinel-1 wave mode interferometry over and the details can be found here.